Recipe Yudofu

Yudofu, also known as "hot tofu," is a simple and delicious Japanese dish that celebrates the natural flavors of tofu. Often enjoyed during the colder months, Yudofu is both comforting and nutritious. Below is a comprehensive guide on how to prepare Yudofu, including the necessary ingredients, instructions, tips, variations, calorie information, and a conclusion.


  • Tofu (Silken or Firm): 1 block (around 300-400g)
  • Kombu (Dried Kelp): 1 piece (about 10 cm long)
  • Water: Enough to fill the pot (about 4-5 cups)
  • Soy Sauce: 2-3 tablespoons
  • Ponzu Sauce: Optional, for dipping
  • Chopped Green Onions: For garnish
  • Grated Ginger: For garnish
  • Bonito Flakes: For garnish (optional)
  • Sesame Seeds: For garnish (optional)


  1. Prepare the Kombu Dashi:

    • Place the kombu in a pot with water and let it soak for at least 30 minutes. This will create a mild, umami-rich broth known as kombu dashi.
    • After soaking, bring the water to a simmer over medium heat. Do not let it boil as this can make the kombu taste bitter.
    • Once the water starts to simmer, remove the kombu from the pot.
  2. Prepare the Tofu:

    • Cut the tofu into bite-sized cubes, around 2-3 cm each.
    • Gently place the tofu cubes into the simmering kombu dashi. Let them heat through for about 5-10 minutes. The tofu should be heated but not boiling.
  3. Prepare the Dipping Sauce:

    • In a small bowl, mix soy sauce and ponzu sauce (if using). Adjust the proportions to your taste preference.
    • Alternatively, you can use just soy sauce or ponzu sauce alone.
  4. Serve the Yudofu:

    • Carefully transfer the hot tofu cubes into individual serving bowls using a slotted spoon or chopsticks.
    • Garnish with chopped green onions, grated ginger, bonito flakes, and sesame seeds as desired.
    • Serve the dipping sauce on the side, allowing each person to dip the tofu cubes into the sauce before eating.

Tips for Making Yudofu

  • Quality Tofu: Use the freshest and highest quality tofu you can find. Silken tofu is delicate and creamy, while firm tofu holds its shape better and has a slightly denser texture.
  • Kombu Dashi: Soaking the kombu in cold water before heating helps to extract more flavor. Avoid boiling the kombu to prevent bitterness.
  • Serving: Yudofu is best enjoyed hot. If serving a larger group, consider using a portable stove or a hot pot to keep the broth warm at the table.
  • Dipping Sauce: Customize your dipping sauce by adding a touch of mirin, a splash of rice vinegar, or a few drops of yuzu juice for a citrusy kick.


  • Vegetable Additions: Add sliced mushrooms, napa cabbage, or spinach to the broth for added flavor and nutrition.
  • Protein Enhancements: Include thinly sliced fish or shrimp in the hot pot for a more substantial meal.
  • Spicy Kick: Add a bit of shichimi togarashi (Japanese seven-spice blend) to the dipping sauce for a spicy twist.

Calorie Information

  • Tofu (300g): Approximately 176 calories
  • Kombu (10g): Approximately 5 calories
  • Soy Sauce (2 tablespoons): Approximately 20 calories
  • Ponzu Sauce (2 tablespoons): Approximately 15 calories
  • Garnishes (green onions, ginger, sesame seeds): Approximately 10 calories

Total Calories (per serving): Approximately 226 calories


Yudofu is a wonderfully simple and healthy dish that highlights the delicate flavor of tofu and the umami richness of kombu dashi. It is a versatile dish that can be customized with various garnishes and dipping sauces to suit your taste. Whether enjoyed as a light meal or part of a larger Japanese feast, Yudofu offers a comforting and nourishing experience. Try making Yudofu at home for a taste of traditional Japanese cuisine that is both easy to prepare and delightful to eat.


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