Unpacking Cephalgia, Known As Headaches

A headache, also known as cephalgia, is an unpleasant sensation usually affecting the head and related structures. In ancient Greek, the word 'headache' derives from "to ache". It can be short-lived or long-lasting.

The discomfort of a headache may be sharp or dull, localized or diffuse, mild or severe. A migraine headache can have a pulsating quality that worsens with movement of the head. In addition, a person's moods, emotions and stress levels can affect his/her perception of pain.

Headaches are very common, affecting about 90% of adults at least once in their lifetime, with 10% reporting some symptomatic occurrence and 5% reporting frequent attacks (daily).

However, headaches do not always have to be just a nuisance. In some cases, they can be an early warning sign of more serious health problems such as a tumour or aneurysm.

Headaches are classified into two main types:

Vascular Headaches

Vascular headaches are due to dilation and constriction of blood vessels in and around the brain. This type of headache is usually throbbing in quality and is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light (photophobia) and sound (phonophobia). The most common kind of vascular headache is a migraine. Muscle contraction headaches are caused by tightness and spasms in the neck and scalp muscles.

The most common cause of vascular headaches is thought to be related to dilated blood vessels, in particular cervicogenic headaches brought on in response to straining the upper back. This type of headache usually starts at the back of the head and spreads across the forehead or face. Triggers for this type of headache may include activities such as playing tennis, digging in the garden, lifting heavy objects, prolonged sitting or driving for long periods.

Muscle Contraction Headaches

Muscle contraction headaches are often triggered by muscle overuse, particularly through bad posture when working at a computer. Other causes include stress or fatigue resulting in poor posture when sleeping or reading, causing muscles to tighten up; stress can also be associated with pain due to increased muscle tension around joints where the skull joins the spine.

People affected by either type of headache should avoid any activities that bring on an attack by ensuring good posture when sitting down, relaxing the muscles in the neck and shoulders where possible, getting enough sleep and taking regular breaks to do gentle stretching exercises, which could include rotating the head gently.

Cold compresses or ice packs placed over the eyes or at the back of the neck can effectively reduce pain associated with tension headaches. In addition, aspirin can sometimes help relieve mild migraine attacks, while codeine is often prescribed for stronger analgesia, although it does not actually prevent future headaches from occurring.

News about what causes headaches:

Headaches are one of the most common types of pain, affecting approximately half of all adults at some point. Although many people suffer from headaches at some point in their lives, there are a number of simple things you can do to prevent and treat your headaches and stop them from interfering with daily activities.

Here Are 14 Reasons Why You Might Be Getting A Headache And How To Ease The Pain:


Some people experience a caffeine withdrawal headache after consuming caffeine if they have become used to drinking large quantities of coffee, cola or tea. Reduce caffeine intake with Mushroom Coffee and spread out caffeine consumption throughout the day.


Loud noises or a sudden change in noise can cause a headache. Protect your ears by wearing earplugs when exposed to very loud noises and give yourself time to adjust to any changes in noise levels.


Certain foods can trigger headaches, such as aged cheese, processed meats, chocolate and nuts. Avoid foods that seem to cause problems for you and keep track of what you eat and when headaches occur.

Excessive Stress:

When your stress levels are high, it's not uncommon to experience tension headaches. Find ways to manage stress, such as through exercise, relaxation techniques or therapy.

Sinus Infections:

A sinus infection can cause pressure and pain in the forehead and around the eyes. Nasal decongestants and antibiotics may be prescribed to treat a sinus infection.

Ear Infections:

An ear infection can cause a throbbing sensation in the ear and headaches. Antibiotics may be prescribed to treat an ear infection.


Bright light, either natural or artificial, can trigger migraines in some people. Reduce exposure to bright light by using sunglasses when outdoors and avoid watching television or working on the computer in a brightly lit room.

Computer Screens:

Staring at a computer screen for long periods of time can cause tension headaches as well as eye fatigue. Take regular breaks from the screen, often blink and use eye drops if dryness or irritation occurs.

Muscle Tension:

Tight muscles in the neck and shoulders result in tension headaches. If you're stressed, find ways to relax your muscles, including through massage or yoga.

Lack Of Oxygen:

When oxygen levels are lower than normal, this can trigger a headache. Make sure you get enough sleep and rest when tired, avoid smoky environments and ensure rooms are well ventilated when using heaters during winter months.


Dehydration can trigger headaches, so make sure you drink plenty of water, especially when exercising or spending time in hot climates.

Poor Posture:

Bad posture when sitting or standing can cause tension headaches. Make sure you have good posture when working at a desk, driving or relaxing.

Lack Of Sleep:

Not getting enough sleep is a common cause of headaches. Stick to a regular sleep schedule, avoid caffeine and electronic screens before bed and practice some relaxation techniques before sleep.


Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to hangover headaches. Drink in moderation, and make sure you eat before drinking alcohol to help reduce the risk of a headache.

In Conclusion

The good news about all these possible causes is that they are preventable! Make sure you're wearing your earplugs when you're around loud noises, drink plenty of water throughout the day to avoid dehydration, don't stay up late, take regular breaks so your muscles don't tense up and avoid caffeine if you know it's a trigger for you.

By paying attention to your daily life and following these simple tips, you can help reduce your chances of getting a headache. Headaches can be very debilitating, so it's important to take the necessary precautions to prevent them from happening in the first place!

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