'Five Cooking Tips If Your Kitchen Is Being Renovated

If you have moved to a new house, it is likely you will need to do some work on your new abode. Whether you have moved to an apartment such as D’aman Ria Condo or a house in the countryside, you will want to make it your own and put a personal spin on it. If the case is that you need a new kitchen, you could end up with a lot of disruption to your daily routine. Because of this, it is best to plan ahead. Here are five cooking tips for if your kitchen is being renovated

Image from: https://www.pexels.com/photo/green-leafed-plants-on-kitchen-island-1358900/

Freeze some meals

Living off take away meals can be a pain, not to mention not very good for your health. Prior to the renovation, plan your meals ahead and batch cook. Make sure you have a freezer big enough (or look at buying a chest freezer) and freeze the meals that you make. It’s worth varying these meals and making sure that they taste good when being reheated in the microwave. Sometimes a microwavable meal doesn’t come out as good as you hoped!

Ask your neighbour if you can use their kitchen on occasions

A neighbour can be your best friend, and when renovating your kitchen, this is the time to make sure they are. Before your renovation, ask your neighbour if you can cook in their kitchen occasionally so that you can have some freshly prepared meals. Make sure these meals are easy to make and you could either cook extra so that your neighbour can have some. If possible, try and cook enough so that you can freeze some for the coming days.

Check which takeaways are near you

Every now and then you will get sick and tired of having to reheat a meal you made the week before. At this point in time, a takeaway is needed! Make sure you have all the menu’s ready to browse through and order one in as a treat. If you can, order a takeaway that tastes good the next day as you can store your leftovers. A Chinese takeaway, pizza or Indian always takes great the following day.

Supermarket meals

When you’ve exhausted your frozen meals, take away options and your neighbours’ kitchen, it’s time to turn to reheatable supermarket meals. You may be surprised, but some aren’t that bad and aren’t that unhealthy either. Most supermarkets offer a health-conscious microwavable meal as well as some more indulging options if you are treating yourself.

Use a temporary camping hob

A microwave will help with most meals that you will be eating during a renovation, but if you fancy another way of cooking, you do have another option. You could look at purchasing a camping hob which can be used on most safe, fireproof surfaces. With a camping hob, you can expand your dining options and cook something fresh that only needs a saucepan such as spaghetti bolognaise or a chicken curry. This is the perfect way to give you a day off reheated meals or a takeaway as these soon become a little mundane.

Buy yourself a BBQ or temporary BBQ

If the weather is nice, a BBQ is a great way to have something different. It’s fun, you can get everybody together, and it’s not a microwaveable meal. With a BBQ you will be able to cook up some chicken, burgers and prepare a salad to have alongside it. If your kitchen renovation is only going to be a week or two, this is a perfect option to switch things up and make your dinner more entertaining.

Enjoy a meal out in a restaurant

Every now and then it’s nice to eat out; even more so when your kitchen is being renovated. It’s a good way to forget all the mess within your house and to go out and have fun. It is also an excuse to try a new place and to invite your friends or family too.

Having your kitchen renovated is exciting, but whilst it’s happening, it can be a stressful process. Seeing your property looking like a builders site isn’t nice but remember once the work is complete, you will have a beautiful kitchen to show your guests and cook in. Above is seven ways that we managed to survive our renovation.

Are you planning on improving your kitchen? Or have you already had a new kitchen put in? What tips do you have to survive a renovation? Let us know in the comment box below.

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