This is the best "cookie" we've tried in a long time, my picky-picky husband is in love with this sweet treat!!! He likes raspberry bars the best, but any jam will work well in this recipe.

The bottom layer is a deliciously sweet and TENDER shortbread cookie crust, then there is a simple layer of your favorite jam, nuts and then more shortbread pieces on top. It couldn't be easier!!! 


3/4 cup butter (room temperature)
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon almond  extract
1 1/2 cups flour
3/4 cup of your favorite jam (stirred until loose)
3/4 cup of pecans (chopped small) and toasted a little

Preheat oven to 350°F and line an 8"x 8" pan with parchment or foil.
If you are using foil, spray it lightly with cooking spray.


Beat the (room temperature) butter, powdered sugar and extracts for about 2 minutes. 

Add the flour and beat until it all comes together. I use a stand mixer, but if you are using a smaller mixer, the dough will look just a little crumbly...but that's OK, it will still work fine.


Remove 1/2 cup of this dough and flatten it out, wrap it in plastic and freeze for 10 minutes. 

Pat the rest of the dough into the foil (or parchment) lined pan, in an even layer. Top with the chopped pecans and press them gently into the dough just a little. Spread the jam evenly over the nut layer.

Take the reserved dough out of the freezer and slice it thinly and arrange randomly over the jam.

Bake 50 minutes at 350°F or until the pieces of cookie dough are light golden brown. Drizzle with vanilla frosting glaze while the bars are still HOT.

For the glaze, I just mix about 2 tablespoons melted butter with 2 cups of powdered sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1/2 teaspoon almond extract and about 2 tablespoons milk. If the glaze seems too thin, add another spoon of powdered sugar. If it seems to thick, add another 1-2 tablespoons of milk...Whisk till smooth and drizzle over the HOT bars. 

When the bars are completely cool, cut them into small pieces (they are very rich) and they freeze well too.



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