Sugar Pink Food in the News!

If you are a new follower that has joined after seeing my blog mentioned in the press, welcome! If you followed me before that, then thank you for being an original!

The last week or so has seen a fair few websites and news outlets share my story about my love of Fakeaways!

If you have followed me for a while, you will know how much I love a good Fakeaway so it was exciting to see my story picked up by so many news outlets.

I love recreating my favourite takeaway dishes at home and sharing the recipes on here, so it is exciting to see the recipes shared online and in these news outlets.

It is crazy to see my photos in the likes of the Daily Mail and the Metro!

The craziest of all was that George Takei actually shared the story on his Facebook page, which has over 10 million followers! 

Of course, with most things internet-based, there are a lot of hate comments on this Facebook post, I only read one, before remembering to never read the comments, and they were hating on my eyebrows!

It got published int he Daily Star newspaper as well as being online, and it was also featured in my local Devon Live as well!


Also got a feature in My Lonon news!

Don't forget to check out my now, almost slightly famous, Fakeaway recipes for yourself!


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